I don't have much time today
because we are meeting up with our mission leader and the Elders and
going to an art museum and a temple in XinZhu so I will write as much as
I can!
I was able to skim through the family
emails. Sounds like everyone is doing great! Bryan, I know you will be a
great district leader! Mom and dad, thanks for sending me a package! I
look forward to getting it!
For this week, it went by really fast and definitely had its ups and downs!
that guy I told you about that stopped us when we were riding our bikes
home? well, we were able to meet with him twice this past week. The
first time we met with him, our member who came to the lesson with us
told him about everything about the church and then when she found out
he had work on Sunday and couldn't come to church starting getting really
mad and asked him why he didn't keep the sabbath day...haha so that was a
really rough lesson. But we were still able to invite him to be
baptized and he accepted if he comes to find out if our message is true!
We set a goal for April 18. The second time we met with him, we went
back through the 1st lesson-Restoration to clear some things up that our
member confused him about. He loves the part about families and thinks
families are very important. Unfortunately, we found out he is not in
our proselyting area. He is either in Zhunan, MiaoLi, or Taichung-the
other mission). He is originally from Taoyuan and going to college up
here. Sadly this week, we are going to have to transfer him to the
missionaries in his area...but, they will take care of him! Fan
XianXiang is so prepared!
We also had a really
good lesson with Lu JieMei. We taught her the plan of Salvation. Xu
JieMei was our member present and she was phenomenal! She cleared up so
many questions Lu JM had and shared her conversion story. Xu JM
converted because of the plan of salvation. When she was younger, her
sister got hit by a car and passed away and when the missionaries came
in contact with her when she was in college, she came to know that it
was true! Lu JM favorite part of the plan of salvation was the
resurrection. This subject is new to everyone here but she thought it
was really neat that we could have a perfect body and reunite with our
spirit. She told us she would come to church after a long discussion
about the importance of coming to church but sadly, she didn't come. We
called her right before sacrament meeting and she told us she was busy.
Hopefully next week she will be able to come.
and Friday we had exchanges with the sister Training Leaders. I was
able to learn so much from them. I went to XinZhu and spent the day with
Sister Murri. Sister Murri is such an amazing missionary! I learned so
much from her about using every minute wisely and dedicating all my time
to serving the Lord. One thing that was really neat was we were
following up with some potential investigators on Thursday night and we
were able to teach one. Her surname is Huang and we were able to share
with her how to pray and who Jesus Christ is. We were also able to set
up a return appointment with her! She is currently in high school and is
the sweetest!
Gan JM is also progressing. She
says she feels really good when we visit and discuss the gospel with
her and when she prays and reads the scriptures. We are still having a
hard time having her attend church. That is the hardest thing here is
for people to make the time to come to church.
yesterday was really good. I still can't understand like anything and
the members are so sweet. On their phones or iPads, they always pull up
the English talk we are discussing in relief society so that I can
somewhat follow along. Yesterday in relief society we discussed the
talk, Lord, Is it I? I love that talk! Sister Fisher and I also had to
teach Gospel Principles yesterday. We talked about the Atonement. I
never really understood the importance of the atonement in my life until
I came on my mission. Christ truly does understand each and every one
of us perfectly. He is there always, with His arms open wide to comfort
us and to help us. Turn to him daily. I promise you He loves you!!
times it is very frustrating to not be able to understand/speak with
the people. I feel like a baby trying to talk to adults. If there has
been one thing I have learned from the trial of not being able to speak
very well it has been patience. I know that Heavenly Father called me to
Taiwan for a reason. Part of that reason is to learn patience. Patience
has been a hard attribute to acquire my entire life and now at age 19, I
am finally learning the importance of patience.
I love you all so much! Thanks so much for the prayers in my behalf!
Sister Haacke
My crazy question about the chicken place was for an elder in my
district. haha he is from Pocatello and this is his last transfer in
Taiwan. He went to this chicken place like 7 years ago in Idaho falls and
was wondering if it is still there...haha and thanks for answering all
my questions!!
Dad, have fun in Taiwan! And no, I haven't found the store for Melaleuca yet here. But Sister Fisher says
she knows where it is. I will go there sometime! :) If there is anyone
that lives in Toufen that works there and wants to know about the
gospel, let me know..haha :)
Exchanges with Sister Murri.
Tracting on Sunday. The gardens people have here are amazing!!
Amy (Recent Convert) and I at the Branch FHE last Sunday.
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